
How To Launch Startup Repair Windows 7 Without Cd

Become the fix for the infinite Startup Repair loop error for the following Windows versions: Windows Vista, Windows vii, Windows viii or Windows 8.1.

This error prevents you lot from accessing anything on your reckoner and presents an endless loop of loading Startup Repair without end.


  • ane Nearly "Startup Repair in Space Loop"
    • one.1 Symptom 1: Reckoner attempts to enter Startup Repair continuously
  • 2 Causes of this error
    • 2.1 Cause #one: Damaged or corrupted BCD settings
    • two.ii Cause #two: Corrupted boot partition
    • 2.3 Cause #iii: Blueish Screen of Expiry on reboot
  • 3 Guaranteed Fix: Employ Like shooting fish in a barrel Recovery Essentials
  • 4 Fixes for Infinite Loop of Startup Repair on Windows Vista, seven
    • 4.ane Set #i: Run chkdsk on the boot volume
    • four.ii Gear up #2: Disable Automatic Restart
    • 4.iii Fix #3: Manually endeavour to rebuild the BCD
  • 5 Fixes for Automated Repair Loop in Windows 8
    • 5.1 Fix #i: Kicking into Safe Mode
    • v.two Fix #2: Run bootrec
    • five.three Fix #3: Run chkdsk
    • 5.4 Set up #four: Arrangement Restore
  • six More Information
    • 6.1 Linked Entries
    • 6.2 Back up Links
    • half dozen.iii Applicable Systems

Well-nigh "Startup Repair in Infinite Loop"

The following information on this error has been compiled by NeoSmart Technologies, based on the information gathered and reported by our global network of engineers, developers, and technicians or partner organizations.

Symptom 1: Reckoner attempts to enter Startup Repair continuously

Every time the PC is restarted, before Windows begins to load a message is displayed indicating that "Windows failed to start," and offering an option to "Launch Startup Repair (recommended)" from a variation of the Avant-garde Kick Options card as shown beneath:

Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.  If Windows files have been damaged or configured incorrectly, Startup Repair  can help diagnose and fix the problem.

Windows Mistake Recovery  Windows failed to start. A recent hardware or software change might be the cause.  If Windows files have been damaged or configured incorrectly, Startup Repair can assist diagnose and fix the problem. If ability was interrupted during  startup, choose Showtime Windows Normally. (Use the pointer keys to highlight your choice.)      Launch Startup Repair (recommended)     Start Windows Commonly  Description: Fix bug that are preventing Windows from starting

Startup Repair will so either neglect to load, launch but fail to repair, or run and claim repairs take been executed — however your PC volition go on to attempt to incessantly beginning Startup Repair each kick.

On Windows viii and Windows 8.1 this is called Automatic Repair:

Automatic Repair Loop Screen on Windows 8

Automated Repair  Automatic Repair couldn't repair your PC  Press "Advanced options" to try other options to repair your PC or "Shut downward" to plough off your PC. Log file: C:\Windows\System32\Logfiles\Srt\SrtTrail.txt  Shut down | Advanced options

The Log file path can be different.

Causes of this error

This error has been known to occur equally a result of 1 or more of the following:

Cause #1: Damaged or corrupted BCD settings

Bootsector viruses and other malware that targets the bootloader or the booting concatenation tin can cause errors in the bootloader settings and land that issue in an space loop of Startup Repair.

The virus may and so cake Startup Repair from either launching or conveying out its repairs successfully. A failed Windows Update or Automatic Update tin too sometimes leave the Kicking Configuration Information (BCD) in an inconsistent or non-working land.

Cause #2: Corrupted boot partition

On Windows 7 and higher up, Windows by default creates a separate 100 MiB NTFS partition at the commencement of the drive, reserved for core bootloader files and BCD configuration.

An unsafe shutdown, sudden power loss, hard disk failure, or a blueish screen of death during writes to the boot partitioning can leave your system in an inconsistent state, unable to boot and infinitely cycling into the Startup Repair.

Crusade #three: Bluish Screen of Expiry on reboot

It is possible that every other time Windows attempts to boot, a BSOD occurs.

Recent versions of Windows are configured to hide this fact from the user and silently reboot.

(In the experience of the researchers at NeoSmart Technologies, at that place is almost never a skilful reason for doing this. Microsoft is hoping that a reboot will set up your PC then Windows decides to hibernate the blueish screen and reboot, incessantly and in vain.

A much more than intelligent solution would be for Windows to keep track of whether or non this bluish screen resulted in a silent and automated reboot concluding time, and if so, show information technology and so the user can see what's going on.)

A BSOD during boot up volition trigger a version of the Advanced Boot Options menu to exist shown on next reboot prompting the user to select "Repair Your Computer," ultimately causing the countless loop of Startup Repair.

Guaranteed Fix: Apply Easy Recovery Essentials

Easy Recovery Essentials is guaranteed to set the "endless repair computer loop" fault automatically using its congenital-in Automatic Repair choice. EasyRE is currently available for Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8 and can exist downloaded and created on any PC.

  1. Download Easy Recovery Essentials. Make sure to note your Windows version (XP, Vista, 7 or 8) before you download EasyRE. This guide can help you lot identify what version of Windows you have installed.
  2. Burn the prototype. Follow these instructions on how to burn down the bootable ISO paradigm very advisedly, as making a bootable CD can exist tricky! Alternatively, these instructions explicate how to create a bootable EasyRE recovery USB stick/drive.
  3. Kick upwards your PC from the Easy Recovery Essentials CD or USB you created.
  4. Once EasyRE is running, choose the "Automated Repair" pick and click Keep.

    EasyRE Home

    Choose "Automatic Repair" in Easy Recovery Essentials

  5. After EasyRE scans your calculator's drives, identify and select the drive alphabetic character for your Windows installation from the listing, and so click on the Automatic Repair button to begin.

    EasyRE displays a list of found Windows operating systems

    Cull the bulldoze associated with the Windows installation you're trying to repair.

  6. Easy Recovery Essentials will showtime analyzing the selected drive for problems. EasyRE will examination for and attempt to automatically correct errors with the disk, partition, bootsector, filesystem, bootloader, and registry. No intervention is required, as EasyRE'southward repair is fully automated:

    EasyRE: Automated Repair

    Easy Recovery Essentials searches for errors and makes corrections to the selected Windows installation.

  7. Once the process is complete, EasyRE will written report its findings. Click on the Restart button to reboot your PC and exam the changes.
  8. The "endless repair computer loop" error should now be fixed every bit your PC begins to load:

    EasyRE: Automated Repair

    Windows, booting upwards successfully.

You tin can download Easy Recovery Essentials from hither.

Fixes for Infinite Loop of Startup Repair on Windows Vista, 7

Windows Setup CD/DVD Required!
Some of the solutions below require the utilise of the Microsoft Windows setup CD or DVD. If your PC did non come up with a Windows installation disc or if you lot no longer have your Windows setup media, yous can use Piece of cake Recovery Essentials for Windows instead. EasyRE will automatically find and set up many issues, and tin also be used to solve this problem with the directions below.

Fix #one: Run chkdsk on the kick volume

The control line chkdsk tool ships with Windows and can be used to cheque (and sometimes repair) your drives for filesystem corruption. More than information well-nigh how chkdsk operates and how it works can exist constitute in our knowledgebase. The following steps volition launch the command line option from Startup Repair on the Windows setup disc and use the chkdsk utility.

Unable to boot into the Windows setup CD?
Come across our guide on setting up a PC to boot from the CD or DVD for troubleshooting and more than detailed instructions.

  1. Insert your Windows installation DVD into your PC's CD-ROM drive,
  2. Fully ability downwards your PC, and make sure it has fully close off,
  3. Power upwardly your PC,
  4. Press whatever primal when you lot see "Printing any key to boot from CD or DVD.."
  5. Click the link titled "Repair your reckoner" in the lesser-lefthand corner, afterward kickoff selecting your language and keyboard options.
    Windows 7 setup Install Now dialog, with repair your computer link
  6. Expect for Startup Repair to scan your PC for Windows installations, and then select your install from the list it shows:
    Startup repair lists available operating systems to repair.
  7. Choose "Control Prompt" from the list of available recovery options to begin:
    Startup Repair lists all available recovery options, choose a recovery tool

Once the command prompt is launched, enter the following to use the System File Checker to cheque your installation for corrupted, invalid, or deleted system files.If the previous page showed that your Windows installation has a drive letter other than C:\, make sure to apply that beneath!

chkdsk C: /f

chkdsk will begin scanning your drive for issues, fixing them if it is able to, and reporting its progress when washed.

Checking file arrangement on C: The type of the file system is NTFS. Book characterization is Windows 7.  CHKDSK is verifying files (stage 1 of 5)... 259072 file records processed.  .... Windows has finished checking your disk.

Fix #ii: Disable Automatic Restart

This option lets yous get the verbal and complete mistake message accompanying the Blue Screen of Death by disabling the Automatic Restart pick of Windows. Annotation: this will non prepare the boot error you are experiencing in and of itself, but should provide more information that may prove disquisitional in solving the underlying problem.

The option to disable automatic restart on system failure is bachelor from the Advanced Kick Options menu at startup. The instructions below will trigger this behavior, more detailed instructions on disabling automated restart on system failure are also available in our knowledgebase.

  1. Restart your computer
  2. Look for your BIOS to complete POST (the screen with your manufacturer logo and/or arrangement information)
  3. Quickly brainstorm tappingF8 repeatedly, until you lot see the list of boot options
  4. Choose "Disable automated restart on system failure"
  5. PressEnter and wait for your PC to boot.

Prepare #iii: Manually attempt to rebuild the BCD

Bug booting upwardly Windows tin can often be traced back to errors in the bootloader installation or configuration. Rebuilding your PC'due south master kick tape (MBR), division bootsectors, and boot configuration data (BCD) can ready various bug with the BOOTMGR bootloader.

Yous can rebuild the BCD usingbootrec.exe, a tool built constitute in the Windows Recovery Environment. Follow these steps:

  1. Insert your Windows installation DVD into your PC's CD-ROM drive,
  2. Fully power down your PC, and make sure information technology has fully shut off,
  3. Power up your PC,
  4. Press whatsoever key when you see "Press any fundamental to kick from CD or DVD.."
  5. Click the link titled "Repair your figurer" in the bottom-lefthand corner, after start selecting your language and keyboard options.
    Windows 7 setup Install Now dialog, with repair your computer link
  6. Wait for Startup Repair to scan your PC for Windows installations, and then select your install from the list it shows:
    Startup repair lists available operating systems to repair.
  7. Cull "Command Prompt" from the list of bachelor recovery options to begin:
    Startup Repair lists all available recovery options, choose a recovery tool
  8. Once the command line has launched, type in the following commands in the Command Prompt and strikingEnter after each command:
    bootrec /fixmbr bootrec /fixboot bootrec /rebuildbcd

Unable to kick into the Windows setup CD?
See our guide on setting up a PC to boot from the CD or DVD for troubleshooting and more detailed instructions.

BCD not getting rebuilt?
There is an entire entry in our wiki defended to advanced transmission repair of the bootloader that tin likewise be followed, if necessary.

Fixes for Automatic Repair Loop in Windows viii

Windows Setup CD/DVD Required!
Some of the solutions below crave the use of the Microsoft Windows setup CD or DVD. If your PC did not come with a Windows installation disc or if you lot no longer have your Windows setup media, you tin can utilise Like shooting fish in a barrel Recovery Essentials for Windows instead. EasyRE volition automatically find and ready many issues, and tin also exist used to solve this problem with the directions below.

Ready #1: Boot into Prophylactic Mode

Often booting into Safe Mode and uninstall recently install device drivers or software may set the Automatic Repair loop mistake.

To boot into Prophylactic Manner of a Windows 8 or arrangement, you need to have the original DVD or USB. If yous don't have it, go to Ready with Easy Recovery Essentials.

  1. Insert the disc and reboot the system
  2. Printing any key to boot from the DVD
  3. Choose your keyboard layout
  4. Click Repair your estimator at the Install now screen

    Windows 8 Install Screen

  5. Click Troubleshoot
  6. Click Avant-garde options
  7. Click Startup Settings
  8. Click Restart
  9. Press F4 to kicking into Safe Manner

If booting your system in Safe Mode doesn't solve the error, go to Fix #ii: Run bootrec.

Set #2: Run bootrec

Running the bootrec utility to rebuild the BCD might set up the error. To run bootrec.exe on Windows 8 or eight.1, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the original Windows eight/eight.1 install DVD or USB

    If you don't accept the installation DVD or USB, go to Fix Automatic Repair Loop with Easy Recovery Essentials.

  2. Click Repair your computer

    Windows 8 Install Screen

  3. Click Troubleshoot and so Advanced options
  4. Click Control Prompt
  5. When Command Prompt loads, type these commands:
    bootrec /fixmbr bootrec /fixboot bootrec /rebuildbcd
  6. Press Enter afterward each command
  7. When the terminal command – bootrec /rebuildbcd – finished the procedure, type go out and restart your figurer

Fix #three: Run chkdsk

The chkdsk utility might fix the Automatic Repair Loop on Windows 8 and Windows eight.1 systems

To access it, follow the aforementioned steps every bit the Fix #2: Run bootrec to reach Command Prompt:

  1. Click Troubleshoot > Avant-garde options > Control Prompt
  2. When Control Prompt loads, blazon these commands:
    chkdsk /r
  3. Press Enter

Fix #4: System Restore

To access System Restore, follow the same steps as Fix #2: Run bootrec to reach the Advanced Options screen:

  1. Click Troubleshoot

    Troubleshoot in Windows 8 recovery options screen

    Troubleshoot in Windows 8 recovery options screen

  2. Click System Restore
  3. Follow the sorcerer instructions to proceed the process. Choose a restore indicate before the engagement when the Automatic Repair loop fault appeared.

More Information

Linked Entries

  • chkdsk
  • bootrec
  • Avant-garde Kicking Options carte

Back up Links

  • Easy Recovery Essentials for Windows – our repair and recovery deejay.

    Information technology's an like shooting fish in a barrel-to-utilise and automatic diagnostics disk. It's available for Windows viii, Windows seven and Windows Vista. It's besides available for Windows XP and Windows Server.

    Read more than at Windows Recovery Disks.

  • The NeoSmart Back up Forums, member-to-member technical support and troubleshooting.
  • Get a discounted price on replacement setup and installation discs: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.

Applicative Systems

This Windows-related knowledgebase commodity applies to the following operating systems:

  • Windows Vista (all editions)
  • Windows 7 (all editions)
  • Windows eight (all editions)
  • Windows 8.1 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2008 (all editions)
  • Windows Server 2022 (all editions)

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